Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Debate on Genetically Modified Food

There are definitely countless people out there, such as scientists, researchers, and people just like you and me, you have tried to find verifiable, solid facts on the debate of genetically modified food which prove those who are in the right and those who are not. Is it they who are against the "Frankenstein" food and warning of its dangers or those who are in favor of it and support this type of food production?

However, the facts, which do exist in the present period and  have done in the past as well, show that millions of people have been eating genetically modified food over the past twenty years without suffering from any obvious illness or other critical symptoms. At the same it could be possible that the effects or symptoms may have been that subtle and occurred in small parts of the population so that they were simply not noticed.

This shows that the question about the safety of genetically modified food or genetic engineering in general is hard to answer. In other words, it's not a yes- or- no question. 

Margaret Mellon, a science policy consultant (Washington D.C. Metro Area), says the following concerning the GM debate:

"It doesn't appear that there's any risk that applies across the board to all genetically engineered food and to all people. Each plant is different, each gene insertion is different, each person's respond is different."

What she is trying to say is that GM food could be healthy and of no risk for a person but at the same incompatible with the immune system of another one. Despite uncertainty about the outcomes, which sometimes, occur, people should not be paralyzed by unknown risks as this will lead humanity ending up "huddles in their basements wearing tinfoil hats". 

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