Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Africans in Europe: The Most Risky Jobs

(Group 8: Anita Bhatti, Ella Fedorchuk, Victoria Nikitina)

More and more Africans these days leave their homes for Europe. There are various reasons why they are forced to set off and seek their fortune overseas: from the dire poverty to a vain desire to grow rich. Very often migrants travel to Italy, Spain and other European countries in order to earn money to start a new life and to support their families back home in Africa. The worshipped Europe is one of the most popular destinations for Africans to migrate to as they associate the continent with numerous possibilities to earn money and live a prosperous life. African parents often persuade their children to go abroad as they are absolutely dependent on their sons and daughters and emigration for them seems to be the only chance to turn over a new leaf.
Beguedo, for example, which is a town located in the countryside of Burkina Faso, has changed a lot due to the earnings of Africans working in Europe and sending money to their relatives back home. The revenues have led to the building of several houses and to an improvement of equipment in hospitals. Beguedo has a population of 20 thousand people but an enormous number of five thousand inhabitants lives and works abroad. Apart from supporting their families in Africa, they have done even more: an Association of Beguedo Migrants in Italy spares no effort to provide a proper medical care for their countrymen. It is obvious that all these facts make parents proud of their successful children.

There is no doubt that more and more Africans leave their homeland in search for a better life in Europe. Unfortunately, most of them are not aware of the fact that Europe has also many hidden traps in store for them and that only migrating to it does not necessarily mean that they will start leading a great life. They are not aware of all the risky jobs in Europe.

Drug selling

Lots of African migrants in Europe state that they are forced to do ‘illegal’ jobs. In fact, no one really imposes the selling of drugs upon them. In most cases, it is their own choice. Many Africans also admit that they have been trying to find a ‘good’ job for several months without success. Such drug sellers often do not even think of other opportunities to earn money as, to a certain degree, this is a rather easy way. On the one hand, they earn a lot in a short period of time, on the other, they lead a life in fear and could be arrested for their illegal job. However, most of the African migrants prefer keep on working than going back home and confessing failure.


Not only African men, but also African women come to Europe in search for a better life and wealth. While trying to find a good job offer, they instead often end up in prostitution. From that very moment, it is not about money but about losing their dignity. In many cases, women are brought to Europe by their family members but they do not realize that those relatives only want to destroy their lives. Once being involved in prostitution, they are promised to get papers and a normal job as soon as they have paid a certain amount of money. What the prostitutes are not aware of at the beginning is that they have to keep on paying sums of money without a way out of this vicious circle.  Those who try to escape from prostitution are threatened that their families will be harmed. They seem to be trapped forever.

To sum up, it can be said that no matter what kind of risky jobs African migrants have in Europe, nothing is worth losing your dignity and entire life just because you are afraid of failure!

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