Thursday, October 10, 2013


This is my first blog this semester and it’s going to be about the top 5 EU-related topics that I can imagine writing an assignment about in our SUK3 class. We were told to not choose the ones that cover too many different fields because it would be difficult to write about them with a word limit of “only” 1500 words. So, after having done a little bit of research, here are my top 5 EU-related topics:

My first and most favourite topic would be about Indian migrants in and moving to the EU. As my parents originally come from India and I therefore have an Indian background, it would be really interesting to learn how the Indian migrants come to the EU, why they choose to live there and the problems they (have to) face.  

Languages, maybe in relationship with different cultures, within the European Union would also be an attractive topic for me to deal with. I would do research on their benefits, for example, in how far it is useful to study languages nowadays within the EU and maybe I would also come across information that this is not such a good idea.

As my third choice, I have listed the data protection in the EU as it is a very controversial topic and concerns us more than anything else in today’s world. Perhaps, it is somehow possible to also touch on the subject of Facebook.  For me, this topic sounds extremely promising.

The EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Policy and the enlargement of the European Union from 1973 to 2010 are my fourth and fifth favourite topics.

No matter which topic I choose, I really hope that I will select one where I have sufficient sources to look things up and one that interests me even after having spent a lot of time working on it. Apart from that, I also look forward to a good grade for the finished assignment! ;)


  1. I have to say, I think all your 5 topics are interesting and no matter which one you finally decide to choose it will be a good topic for your academic paper. The one I liked the most is the data protection in the EU since it is a really up-to-date topic and especially intersting for us, who are all signed up in an social network.

  2. I really love your topic Indian migrants in the EU as I chose "The Iranian population in the EU" for one of my topics. The only problem is that I'm not sure whether I'll find enough information or not.
