A day in the life of Anita
Like on any day of the week, my alarm clock also rings
at 6.35 a.m. on Thursday morning and wakes me out of sleep. I then stumble out of
my bed and get ready for university. Generally, I’m not a morning person but
because I don’t have any courses or lectures on Friday, my weekend already begins
on Thursday afternoon. For this reason, getting up on this day is far easier
than on any other as weekend is so close. However, I can’t start any day
without having breakfast. If my flatmate is awake too, we both have it
together. Pulling on my jacket afterwards, I head for the bus at 7.44 that is always
full of numerous other students. After having arrived at university, I meet up
with Maria and Livia, who are my fellow students and friends. All three of us
have the same courses and lectures from 8.15 a.m. to 3 pm. I usually leave the
final lecture a bit earlier to get the train for way home at 3.45 p.m. The
three-hour-train journey is often nerve-racking but mostly, I don’t mind it.
The reunion with my family, especially with my sisters and my four-year-old
little brother, makes me easily forget it.
[205 words]

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Love the picture with you and your siblings. Didn't know you had sisters as well. Really cool!