Saturday, May 3, 2014

Average Joe Narrative

A ray of hope

It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in August, 2039. The shimmering swimming pool looked marvellous with all the glittering reflections of the sunrays on its surface.  But just when Joe was about to jump in, he suddenly heard his wife’s voice. “Why now?”, he asked himself and turned his head. “Why are you still here? I told you to do the shopping hours ago!” Alma came outside the house and approached her husband who was standing in their large, well-tended garden. Anger was written all over her face. Joe knew that he couldn’t longer avoid it. “Calm down”, he said, “I’m being as quick as I can! Alma… You know exactly why I resist myself to do it.” “I do, but surviving without food will be a bit difficult, won’t it?”, she replied irritated.

While Joe was driving, he switched the car radio on to distract himself from the small quarrel with his wife.  When he entered the city centre of Los Angeles, a radio speaker was presenting the latest news. “Scientists involved in the research on genetically modified food have reached the height of their success. At this point in time, they were able to lift 400 million people all over the world out of the poverty and deprivation. All this is possible thanks to the outstanding development of GM food and all its benefits in the last few years. And that is not all: further progress is being predicted!”  Joe couldn’t believe it. The whole world seemed to be in favour of this rapid development. Why did nobody understand what it was leading to? When Joe entered the grocery store, he lost his temper even more. The prices for food seemed to be arising day by day. For this reason, he hated to do the shopping. It was not that Joe was completely against the whole development of genetically modified food. On the contrary, he was glad that thanks to it, food had a much longer shelf life and a superior quality and taste.  Also, this “frankenfood” was specifically developed so far that it could combat dietary deficiencies, like the 'golden rice' that added the vitamin A lacking in ordinary rice, or that it could generally greatly improve health. Joe didn’t deny that the future was most likely bright for genetically modified food, but the fact that soon nobody could any longer afford it, really made him angry and concerned him greatly.  The situation seemed to be promising, especially for those who could pass the poverty line but what’s the purpose of such an evolution when soon everything will go downhill again? Joe was not the only one who knew exactly who was really behind the whole thing. It was obvious but still, no one dared to oppose to it, or should he say “them”?

While he was lost in thought and purchasing food, his mobile phone rang. It was Andrew, Joe’s colleague and best friend. “Joe, the time has finally come! A surprising strike is planned against Tyson Foods Inc. ! For the first time, it will be possible to put an end to that unfair business and all the injustices! We won’t let them longer control and raise the prices of food products! You’re joining the strike, aren’t you?” At first, Joe couldn’t believe it, but then he agreed immediately. He was prepared to give everything in this fight for justice. When he left the grocery store, he was sure that he would definitely not see the unreasonably high price tags ever again.

[589 words]

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