Friday, May 16, 2014

How to go back in time and kill Adolf Hitler

Time estimation: approximately one hour

            a time machine
            a loaded gun
            uniform of a SS Nazi soldier

Before travelling back in time, make sure that you:
      have strong nerves
      are daring and courageous
      are able to kill another person
      are good at handling a gun 


1.    Take the uniform of an SS Nazi soldier and get dressed.
2.    Hide the loaded gun in one of the socks you are wearing.

Option 1: Hide it in the sock of your right foot if are a right-handed person. 
Option 2: Hide it in the sock of your left foot if you are a left-handed person.

Hint: This will allow you to take out the gun later on in an inconspicuous way.

3.    Get into the time machine.
4.    Set the appropriate time (30.1.1939) and location (Berlin Brandenburg gate) by pressing the buttons of the computer keyboard inside the time machine.
5.    Pull the lever down.

Hint: Pull the lever strongly because it might get stuck!

6.    Get out of the time machine.
7.    Now you have two options:
Option 1: Join the crowd in front of the podium and remain there.
Option 2: Approach the podium as closely as possible.

Warning: The following steps must be carried out quickly! 

8.    Bend down and take the gun inconspicuously out of your sock. 

Option 1: If you are a right-handed person, use your right hand to get the gun out.
Option 2: If you are a left-handed person, use your left hand to get the gun out. 

9.    Place the gun at Adolf Hitler.
10. Take a deep breath and pull the trigger.

Hint: If you missed the target, keep the pistol aimed at Adolf Hitler and fire further shots. 

11.  Escape the place as fast as possible!
12.  Get into the time machine.
13.  Repeat step 3 but set the current time and your home address as location.

Well done! You have successfully completed the mission.

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