Saturday, May 31, 2014

How instant photographs work

While regular cameras need their film to be processed separately, Polaroid Instant Cameras already contain a film which is equipped with chemicals necessary for photo development. This special type of film has three colour layers which are respectively sensitive to blue, green and red light. Underneath each of them, a developer layer containing dye couplers can be found. All of these layers are stacked on a black base layer and are, at the same time, positioned underneath the image, timing and acid layer. This certain arrangement is of great importance as it is a chemical chain reaction waiting to be set in motion. The component that starts the whole process is called reagent. It is a mix of opacifiers, alkali and white pigments. Before the button on the Polaroid camera is pressed, all of these substances are gathered in the white frame of the later developed photograph. In this way, the film is prevented from exposing prematurely as all of the developing chemicals are kept away until the proper time. After you have taken the picture, the film sheet passes out of the camera through a pair of rollers. These spread the substances of the reagent out into the middle of the film sheet which then react with the other chemical layers in the film. The opacifiers are particularly important for this step as they stops light from filtering onto the layers below so that the film is not fully exposed before it is developed. When the substances are moved downward by the rollers through the many layers of the photo, the exposed particles in each of the layer are changed into metallic silver. Also, the chemicals dissolve the developer dye which begins to diffuse up toward the image layer. These move up from the unexposed layers to the image layer. Simultaneously, other substances of the reagent are working their way down through the film layers. The acid layer in the film reacts with the alkali and opacifiers in the reagent so that the opacifiers become clear. This leads to a visible image in the end. The timing layer slows the reagent down on its way to the acid layer so that the film is given time before being exposed to light. It must be remembered that the first image coming out of the Polaroid camera is initially still grey. It slowly appears because of the refined chemical developing process inside the camera. 

[403 words]

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Abstract of CAJ - Genetically Modified Food

The basis of the CAJ project was to demonstrate the benefits of genetically modified food and to show why regarding this type of food as completely harmful or dangerous is incorrect. 

To do this, the advantages of GM food in the fields of society and world population, development and modification of plants, pharmaceutics and the improvement of harvest were considered. An internet-based research was carried out during a five-week period. Numerous websites presenting the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food as well as blog posts, encyclopedias and the homepage of the Monsanto agriculture company were read carefully.  The most important and relevant information was evaluated, extracted and finally texts were composed. Those were then posted as a blog post on 

Upon examination of the relevant information found and the texts posted, it becomes clear that genetically modified food has several advantages in various fields and that its disadvantages cannot be taken seriously as there is no concrete evidence.  Despite the fact that the CAJ project was successful, it is recommended that enough time should be scheduled for planning and for working on it as carrying out research is very laborious and time consuming.

[195 words]

Abstract of “When zombies attack!: Mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection”

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the flexibility of mathematical modelling and to show how it can respond to a wide variety of challenges, such as infectious diseases.

To do this, the scenario of a zombie outbreak infecting humans was considered and the slow moving, cannibalistic and undead classical pop-culture zombie chosen as model. Mathematical analyses of a zombie outbreak infection were conducted and altogether four models presented. The first one, called the basic model, considers three basic classes, the Susceptible (S), the Zombie (Z) and the Removed (R). It suggests that an outbreak of zombies will lead to the collapse of civilisation and in a short outbreak, everybody will be infected. The second one, referred to as the model with latent infection, indicates that susceptibles remain infected for some period of time before either dying a natural death or becoming a zombie. In this case, the collapse of civilisation still takes place but takes approximately twice as long. The third model includes quarantine of the infected but there is still no chance for them to escape. Even though the eradication of humans is slightly delayed in this model, zombies are either completely eradicated or they take over completely in the end. The final model, called the model with treatment, allows to cure ‘zombie-ism’ and to return to human form again. Upon examination of these facts, it becomes clear that the only, effective way to survive an outbreak of zombies is to deal with it quickly and attack more than once.

In order to obtain all of those above-mentioned models, mathematical analyses and Euler’s method were applied.  Results suggest that the only, significant difference between the models concerning a non-realistic zombie outbreak and other models of real infectious diseases is the fact that the dead can come back to live again. However, the fact that mathematical modelling can even be applied to non-realistic challenges proves beyond a doubt its flexibility.

[324 words]

Golden Rice (CAJ Geneteically Modified Food)

It is no longer a secret that crops can be genetically modified in order to contain additional nutrient which are lacking from the diets of many people in developing countries. One example is Golden Rice which contains beta-carotene. This organic compound is converted into vitamin A when ingested.  Golden Rice could improve the lives of thousands of children living in poor countries who suffer from blindness due to the lack of vitamin A.

The first type of Golden Rice was introduced about 25 years ago by Ingo Potrykus at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and by Peter Beyer at the University of Freiburg. The process of developing this new type of rice consisted of transferring genes of maize into rice to obtain the Golden Rice.  It was given this name as it produces the same pigments that yellow vegetables do.
In 2005, a second type of Golden Rice was developed which produces up to 23 times more beta-carotene than the original Golden Rice.

It was trialled in the Philippines in August 2013 but despite the fact that Golden Rice was developed as a humanitarian tool, it has been met with strong opposition from environmental and anti-globalization activists. Greenpeace, for example, believes that Golden Rice is not the answer to vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and malnutrition. According to this NGO, money should not be spent on this project but rather used for programs that they are already working on, such as the promotion of home-gardening and pills.

However, field studies in the Philippines have been conducted despite the vandalism and all the protests. In this country, vitamin A deficiency affects 1.7 million children between 6 months and 5 years. In order to improve the situation, Golden Rice will be tested also in future according to the best and most rigorous standards.

Disadvantages of genetically modified food (CAJ)

When doing research on the disadvantages of genetically modified food, you stumble over numerous websites opposing to it and warning that it is harmful. However, this cannot be said for sure as there exists no evidence proving this statement.

The debate on the disadvantages of genetically modified food started in 1994 when a tomato with longer shelf life, called Flavr Savr, was developed by the Californian Company Calgene. But then, it was found that this modified vegetable caused stomach lesions in rats and lead to an on-going debate about GM food.

Even though, this negative effect can or could not be denied and the safety of such products is not verified yet, one must not forget that those were lab rats which were tested on the safety of such technology. It is still not clear if genetically modified food has the same negative impacts on human health.  

The following examples are just a few of the other innumerable examples on the internet opposing to GM food and describing it as dangerous. Again, it is important to note that the majority of them do not state those examples with 100 % certainty.
  • Genetically modified food can cause cancer
  •  It could raise new allergy outbreaks in humans
  • The effects of genetic food engineering could be irreversible
  •  GM food can disturb the natural flow of environments
  • Strong likelihood of widespread infestation of diseases across species barriers

In conclusion, the disadvantages of genetically modified food could not be proven yet but many believe that this is still the case. Although perhaps this debate might take a long time to be solved, one should hope that there are not any unforeseen consequences that arise from using GM foods in the future because if they were, most of us would be affected by it.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Advantages of Genetically Modified food (CAJ)

After having done some research on the internet, I came across many various websites being in favour of genetically modified food.  I found hardly any that could provide real evidence why GM food is dangerous. However, there are lots of websites opposing to it.

Instead of saying that GM food is harmful and being against it, it would be better to consider the fact that sufficient evidence classifying and proving GM food as dangerous does not exist. This is an important fact which can and should not be ignored.  Also, the so called “Frankenstein Food” brings many undeniable advantages not only for farmers but also for societies worldwide.

First of all, it is not a secret that global population and 3rd world hunger are increasing massively. Genetically modified food seems to be a great promise to solve this on-going crisis.  

Secondly, plants can be genetically modified in order to become more disease resistant. Thanks to this, they would become more robust and bacterial, fungal and/or viral infestations could harm them less as they can now without the modification. Especially farmers are in favour of this development as they would have to less fear crop failures. Another important modification concerning plants could be performed by changing their genes in order to protect them against dehydration, frost, salty soil etc.  A gene from a plant which can survive prolonged water stress in desert conditions has already been introduced into rice and it turned out to be a successful experiment. The rice was then able to produce a certain kind of sugar which protects the plant against dehydration.

Finally, genetically modified food could also be used to produce edible vaccinations in order to replace medicines and vaccines which often are costly to produce and require special storage conditions.  Researchers are, for example, working on developing edible vaccines in tomatoes and potatoes. If they succeed in doing so, these vaccines will be much easier to transport, store and administer in comparison to the traditional injectable vaccines.

As can be seen from all the mentioned-above examples, the benefits of genetically modified cannot be neglected. What is remarkable is the fact that GM food has several advantages in various areas, such as society and world population, the development of plants leading to improvements of harvest, and also in the area of pharmaceutics. Even though some still oppose to this kind of modified food, there is no certain evidence proving its harmfulness.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

General description of CAJ

Argumentative text for CAJ (GM food)

Beth Hoffman, the author of the text “Just Because Science Can Genetically Engineer Foods, Doesn’t Mean We Should” expresses her negative view on genetically modified food. The text does not seem to address a specific target audience. Hoffman rather states her personal opinion and tries to mobilize the readers’ emotions by using pronouns, such as “we” or “us” so that they have a sense of belonging. As there are lots of parts in the text that use this method of addressing the feelings of the target audience, it is easily identifiable that Pathos is dominant in this text.  The author supports all of this by using Logos as she logically lists arguments, examples and also explanations. These two methods are dominant in the complete text because Hoffman does not apply the third one, namely Ethos, at all. Still, she perfectly succeeds in persuading the readers. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

How to go back in time and kill Adolf Hitler

Time estimation: approximately one hour

            a time machine
            a loaded gun
            uniform of a SS Nazi soldier

Before travelling back in time, make sure that you:
      have strong nerves
      are daring and courageous
      are able to kill another person
      are good at handling a gun 


1.    Take the uniform of an SS Nazi soldier and get dressed.
2.    Hide the loaded gun in one of the socks you are wearing.

Option 1: Hide it in the sock of your right foot if are a right-handed person. 
Option 2: Hide it in the sock of your left foot if you are a left-handed person.

Hint: This will allow you to take out the gun later on in an inconspicuous way.

3.    Get into the time machine.
4.    Set the appropriate time (30.1.1939) and location (Berlin Brandenburg gate) by pressing the buttons of the computer keyboard inside the time machine.
5.    Pull the lever down.

Hint: Pull the lever strongly because it might get stuck!

6.    Get out of the time machine.
7.    Now you have two options:
Option 1: Join the crowd in front of the podium and remain there.
Option 2: Approach the podium as closely as possible.

Warning: The following steps must be carried out quickly! 

8.    Bend down and take the gun inconspicuously out of your sock. 

Option 1: If you are a right-handed person, use your right hand to get the gun out.
Option 2: If you are a left-handed person, use your left hand to get the gun out. 

9.    Place the gun at Adolf Hitler.
10. Take a deep breath and pull the trigger.

Hint: If you missed the target, keep the pistol aimed at Adolf Hitler and fire further shots. 

11.  Escape the place as fast as possible!
12.  Get into the time machine.
13.  Repeat step 3 but set the current time and your home address as location.

Well done! You have successfully completed the mission.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Average Joe Narrative

A ray of hope

It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in August, 2039. The shimmering swimming pool looked marvellous with all the glittering reflections of the sunrays on its surface.  But just when Joe was about to jump in, he suddenly heard his wife’s voice. “Why now?”, he asked himself and turned his head. “Why are you still here? I told you to do the shopping hours ago!” Alma came outside the house and approached her husband who was standing in their large, well-tended garden. Anger was written all over her face. Joe knew that he couldn’t longer avoid it. “Calm down”, he said, “I’m being as quick as I can! Alma… You know exactly why I resist myself to do it.” “I do, but surviving without food will be a bit difficult, won’t it?”, she replied irritated.

While Joe was driving, he switched the car radio on to distract himself from the small quarrel with his wife.  When he entered the city centre of Los Angeles, a radio speaker was presenting the latest news. “Scientists involved in the research on genetically modified food have reached the height of their success. At this point in time, they were able to lift 400 million people all over the world out of the poverty and deprivation. All this is possible thanks to the outstanding development of GM food and all its benefits in the last few years. And that is not all: further progress is being predicted!”  Joe couldn’t believe it. The whole world seemed to be in favour of this rapid development. Why did nobody understand what it was leading to? When Joe entered the grocery store, he lost his temper even more. The prices for food seemed to be arising day by day. For this reason, he hated to do the shopping. It was not that Joe was completely against the whole development of genetically modified food. On the contrary, he was glad that thanks to it, food had a much longer shelf life and a superior quality and taste.  Also, this “frankenfood” was specifically developed so far that it could combat dietary deficiencies, like the 'golden rice' that added the vitamin A lacking in ordinary rice, or that it could generally greatly improve health. Joe didn’t deny that the future was most likely bright for genetically modified food, but the fact that soon nobody could any longer afford it, really made him angry and concerned him greatly.  The situation seemed to be promising, especially for those who could pass the poverty line but what’s the purpose of such an evolution when soon everything will go downhill again? Joe was not the only one who knew exactly who was really behind the whole thing. It was obvious but still, no one dared to oppose to it, or should he say “them”?

While he was lost in thought and purchasing food, his mobile phone rang. It was Andrew, Joe’s colleague and best friend. “Joe, the time has finally come! A surprising strike is planned against Tyson Foods Inc. ! For the first time, it will be possible to put an end to that unfair business and all the injustices! We won’t let them longer control and raise the prices of food products! You’re joining the strike, aren’t you?” At first, Joe couldn’t believe it, but then he agreed immediately. He was prepared to give everything in this fight for justice. When he left the grocery store, he was sure that he would definitely not see the unreasonably high price tags ever again.

[589 words]